100 research outputs found

    Methodologies for the Continuous Judicial Training based on audiovisual resources: the guidelines of the European judicial area

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    El presente informe pretende aportar nuevas vías para la formación de jueces y magistrados en España, así como la presentación de recursos metodológicos audiovisuales innovadores para la formación continua a partir de nuestra experiencia en la promoción y desarrollo de nuevas aproximaciones al derecho y la tecnología. Asimismo, aportamos la experiencia del Instituto de Derecho y Tecnología de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona en formación de jueces, fiscales y abogados a lo largo de los últimos años en diferentes instituciones del Estado[1]. Dada la ubicuidad de la tecnología y las redes sociales en todos los ámbitos públicos y privados de los ciudadanos, es necesario que los contenidos y metodología formativos de los jueces no queden al margen de estos procesos. Por tanto, y a modo de conclusión, insistimos en la pertinencia de incluir módulos específicos de formación continua para jueces y magistrados que actualicen las evoluciones de Internet, la Web 2.0, las redes sociales y las tecnologías móviles, especialmente teniendo en cuenta el ejercicio de la función jurisdiccional en el Espacio judicial europeo.This report aims at providing new means for judicial training in Spain, as well as presenting innovative methodological audiovisual resources for continuous training. This presentation is the result of our experience in the promotion and development of new approaches to law and technology from an interdisciplinary perspective. Furthermore, the UAB Institute of Law and Technology has a well-grounded experience in judges, prosecutors and lawyers’ training in the different state institutions over the last years. The technology and the social networks can be found anywhere in the citizens’ public and private domains, so the contents as well as the methodology for judicial training cannot be left out. To conclude, we would like to underline the need to include specific modules of judicial continuous training that keep judges updated as regards the evolution of the Internet, the Web 2.0, social networks and mobile technologies, particularly bearing in mind the performance of these professionals in the European judicial framework

    El macrojudici penal (La implementació de l'anàlisi de casos i la creació d'instruments multimèdia per a l'adquisició de competències argumentatives juridico-penals)

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    Aquesta activitat d'innovació docent que presentem forma part d'un mètode d'aprenentatge mitjançant casos, basat en l'examen problemàtic i crític de l'aplicació de les estructures dogmàtiques i principis bàsics del dret penal espanyol que conformen el programa de l'assignatura Dret penal I. Part General (Codi 28033) que s'imparteix al primer curs de la llicenciatura de Dret a la facultat de Dret de la UAB. Com a cloenda de l'avaluació semi-continuada duta a terme al llarg del curs i resum final de tot el procés d'adquisició d'habilitats de subsunció del fets en les normes penals, utilització dels instruments d'interpretació i aplicació d'aquestes darreres de forma reflexiva i argumentada es va proposar als alumnes la realització d'una activitat formativa voluntària. Es tractava de dur a terme una simulació de resolució d'un cas penal des dels fets presumptament delictius fins a la sentència judicial. La metodologia plantejada era la del "joc de rol" i el valor afegit era la realització de la vista final en el nou espai de la "sala de vistes" de la facultat de Dret amb la possibilitat de filmar l'esdeveniment.This is a teaching innovation activity, part of a learning method based on case analysis. This real-case analysis intends to facilitate the understanding of basic structures and principles of Criminal Law, in its General Part.The simulation of a real criminal case was proposed to the students as final activity of the course. This simulation included from the supposedly criminal facts to the judicial final judgment. It was used a "role playing" methodology, with a value-added: the staging of the oral procedure at the "Hearing Room" -a new place at the Law School, where filming the event is possible. Initially, the simulation was raised as a voluntary learning activity, that would allow to check the student's acquiring process of abilities and tools for interpretation and application of criminal rules, in a reflexive and well founded way. So, when the students volunteered for this activity (almost all those who habitually attend classes), they knew they would not get a mark for it. The initial incentive was the carrying out of a complete case, and its presentation at the Hearing Room as part of a teaching innovation project. Once the activity started, however, and considering the dimensions it was acquiring, a mark was offered to the students for it -instead of the case-resolution part in the final exam

    La creació de presentacions multimèdia de judicis

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    El projecte d'innovació docent que presentem és el resultat de la experiència acumulada durant els darrers anys en la organització de les pràctiques que els alumnes de la facultat de Dret de la UAB realitzen en les oficines judicials dins de l'assignatura de practicum que coordina l'àrea de Dret Processal

    Creació de presentacions multimèdia de judicis : la competència dels jutjats de violència sobre la dona

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    Es tracta d'un projecte d'innovació docent que es va consolidant, ja que és el segon any de realització. En general l'estudi dels diferents judicis e institucions processals té un caràcter dinàmic i complex fet que en dificulta la comprensió teòrica de qualsevol que s'hi enfronti per primera vegada. Per això,en el marc d'aquest projecte, els estudiants que realitzen pràctiques externes a les oficines judicials adquireixen una comprensió global del fenòmen processal i són capaços de transmetre aquests continguts utilitzant els recursos i coneixements multimèdia que se'ls proporciona. Els alumnes generen un recurs didàctic a partir de l'experiència viscuda al jutjat i desenvolupen activitats noves: la selecció del cas amb l'ajut del tutor i el suport del professor, l'estudi de la institució processal escollida, la preparació i gestió del material necessari, l'ús de noves tecnologies, la confecció de la presentació i l'exposició oral i pública del resultat obtingut. A diferencia de les classes tradicionals, en aquest model d'aprenentatge, són els propis alumnes els que creen un recurs didàctic original e inèdit amb suport multimèdia , de caràcter transversal d'ús tant per a professors, per utilitzar-los a l'aula, com pels alumnes per tal de realitzar un estudi autònom. En aquesta comunicació exposem la creació d'una d'aquestes presentacions.The study of trials and procedural institutions has a dynamic and complex character. It makes difficult the theoretical comprehension for all those students that face for the first time with this issue. The students who realize the practices in judicial offices acquire a global comprehension of the procedural phenomenon and they are capable of transmitting these contents using the multimedia resources that are provided to them. The pupils generate a didactic resource from the experience lived in the court and develop new activities: selection of the case with the help of the tutor, the support of the teacher, the study of the procedural select institution, the preparation and management of the material, use of new technologies, the dressmaking of the presentation and the oral and public exhibition of the obtained result. In this paper we present one of these presentations

    D2.4 Report on the ITFLOWS Regulatory Model

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    This document is devoted to the Regulatory Model specifically designed for ITFLOWS. Section 1 explains what a regulatory model is and what it entails as well as the purpose it serves. Section 2 defines the ITFLOWS Regulatory Model and provides the three steps that it consists of, which are addressed in detail in the subsequent sections. Section 3 refers to the first step of the ITFLOWS Regulatory Model, which is the 'Framework for Compliance' and lists the sources that shape such framework. Section 4 addresses the second step of the ITFLOWS Regulatory Framework ('Compliance through design technology') and includes the ethical, legal, societal and gender-related mitigation measures that have been recommended to ensure compliance of the EUMigraTool. Section 5 describes the last step of the ITFLOWS Regulatory Model, which is the 'Monitoring and enforcement strategy' and includes the measures that have been adopted at this stage of the project given the nature of the Regulatory Model, i.e., an ongoing process. Lastly, conclusions are provided and next steps that will be taken to effectively implement the ITFLOWS Regulatory Model according to the development of the research activities foreseen in the project are presented

    The Spanish audiovisual sector facing digital technologies

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    The audiovisual sector is complex because it involves the activity of different industries related to content production, telecommunications, media, as well as the Internet and services of the Information Society. The emergence of new technological changes resulting from the digitization process and the convergence of information technologies and telecommunications in connection with the storage, processing and distribution of information are creating new challenges within this sector. The EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive, as the main instrument of the European audiovisual regulatory policy, calls on Member States to reform their legislation on this field with the aim of harmonizing the different regulations regarding audiovisual sector. Until December 2009, Spain has time to transpose into national law the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive. The regulatory framework of the audiovisual sector in Spain could be defined as huge, disperse and obsolete. However, the Spanish government is going to present in a few days a general regulation on that issue. This article pretends to provide an overview of the major challenges of the Spanish audiovisual sector as a result of the convergence of platforms, services and operators in light of new regulatory changes

    Business requirements for legal knowledge graph : the LYNX platform

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    Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Technologies for Regulatory Compliance co-located with the 31st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2018). Groningen, The Netherlands, December 12, 2018.European small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and large corporations face multiple constraints to engage in trade abroad and to localize their products and services to other countries, mainly as a consequence of legal and language barriers. This is one of the main consequences of the multiple differences across Europe, which is fragmented into legal silos and into more than 20 linguistic islands. LYNX H2020 project will provide more effective ways of accessing huge amount of digital regulatory compliance documents, including legislation, case law, standards, industry norms and best practices. In particular, the LYNX project envisages an ecosystem of smart cloud services to better manage compliance documents, based on a Legal Knowledge Graph (LKG) which integrates and links heterogeneous compliance data sources. This ecosystem will enable smart search, smart assistance and smart referencing of case law, as well as Artificial Intelligence technologies and machine translation of regulatory compliance documents. An initial step in the development of the LYNX platform is the collection of business requirements from end-users and relevant stakeholders. Therefore, this work introduces the techniques used for the gathering of business requirements from endusers and stakeholders and a list of prioritized business requirements collected through qualitative and quantitative techniques

    A Catalan code of best practices for the audiovisual sector

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    In spite of a new general law regarding Audiovisual Communication, the regulatory framework of the audiovisual sector in Spain can still be defined as huge, disperse and obsolete. The first part of this paper provides an overview of the major challenges of the Spanish audiovisual sector as a result of the convergence of platforms, services and operators, paying especial attention to the Audiovisual Sector in Catalonia. In the second part, we will present an example of self-regulation through the previous research work done for the future Code of Best Professional Practices of the Catalan Audiovisual Union. Some issues regarding protection of minors and youth, privacy, general public right of access to digital content on line,intellectual property, pluralism, harm and offence content are examined in the light of self-regulation instruments

    Metodologías de la formación continua de los jueces basadas en recursos audiovisuales : las directrices del espacio judicial europeo

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    El presente informe pretende aportar nuevas vías para la formación de jueces y magistrados en España, así como la presentación de recursos metodológicos audiovisuales innovadores para la formación continua a partir de nuestra experiencia en la promoción y desarrollo de nuevas aproximaciones al derecho y la tecnología. Asimismo, aportamos la experiencia del Instituto de Derecho y Tecnología de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona en formación de jueces, fiscales y abogados a lo largo de los últimos años en diferentes instituciones del Estado[1]. Dada la ubicuidad de la tecnología y las redes sociales en todos los ámbitos públicos y privados de los ciudadanos, es necesario que los contenidos y metodología formativos de los jueces no queden al margen de estos procesos. Por tanto, y a modo de conclusión, insistimos en la pertinencia de incluir módulos específicos de formación continua para jueces y magistrados que actualicen las evoluciones de Internet, la Web 2.0, las redes sociales y las tecnologías móviles, especialmente teniendo en cuenta el ejercicio de la función jurisdiccional en el Espacio judicial europeo.This report aims at providing new means for judicial training in Spain, as well as presenting innovative methodological audiovisual resources for continuous training. This presentation is the result of our experience in the promotion and development of new approaches to law and technology from an interdisciplinary perspective. Furthermore, the UAB Institute of Law and Technology has a well-grounded experience in judges, prosecutors and lawyers' training in the different state institutions over the last years. The technology and the social networks can be found anywhere in the citizens' public and private domains, so the contents as well as the methodology for judicial training cannot be left out. To conclude, we would like to underline the need to include specific modules of judicial continuous training that keep judges updated as regards the evolution of the Internet, the Web 2.0, social networks and mobile technologies, particularly bearing in mind the performance of these professionals in the European judicial framework

    Minimisation of incidental findings, and residual risks for security compliance : the SPIRIT project

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    This paper introduces the policy for minimisation of incidental findings and residual risks of the SPIRIT Project. SPIRIT is a EU H2020 Security project, aimed at browsing relevant sources, including the socalled "dark web". It proposes a semantically rich sense-making set of tools aimed at detecting identity fraud patterns. It provides "Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation in the context of fight against crime and terrorism" for the use of LEAs in Europe. According to GDPR, some protections must be put in place. We explain how we planned and designed them. Specifically, we turned incidental findings into an incidental risks policy, planned a risk mitigation strategy (ongoing privacy preserving algorithm development), and set a dynamic DPIA